Padmasambhava hat 3.8cm
Padmasambhava Three Eyes 4.0cm Black and White [Pearl of Wealth, Attracting Wealth]
Seven-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Auspicious Bead, Great Fortune]
Double Tiger Tooth Dzi Bead 3.8cm Black Gold [Conquers All Directions, Exorcises Demons]
Padmasambhava's Magical Instrument 4.0cm
Lightning Dzi Bead 3.8cm
Huya 3.8cm Blue Enchantress [Mighty and Fearless, Exorcising and Expelling]
Double Tiger Tooth 5.8cm Cinnabar Aged [Conquers All, Exorcises Demons]
Double Tiger Tooth Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Conquers All Directions, Exorcises Demons]
4.0cm Cinnabar Tianzhu for Aquarius [Health, Longevity, Auspicious Peace]
Tiandi Tianzhu 4.0cm
Tiandi Dzi Bead 5.8cm
3.8cm White Tianzhu Bead [Wisdom Pearl, Achieve Wishes]
4.0cm Tianzhu Bead [Wisdom Pearl, Achieving Wishes]
Two-Eyed Tianzhu Black and White 5.8cm [Fate Beads, Prosperous Family Business]
King Kong Two Eyes 4.0cm [Career Pearl, Everything Goes Well]
Two-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Fate Bead, Prosperous Family Business]
Two-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Fate Bead, Prosperous Family Business] 1
Two-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm White [Fate Bead, Prosperous Family Business]
Two-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm [Fate Bead, Prosperous Family Business]
Two-Eyed Dzi Bead Black Gold 5.8cm [Fate Bead, Prosperous Family Business]
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 5.8cm [Wealth Pearl, Attracting Wealth and Prosperity]
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 5.8cm [Wealth Pearl, Attracting Wealth and Treasure] 1
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm [Wealth Pearl, Attracting Wealth and Prosperity]
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead Black and White 5.8cm [Wealth Bead, Attract Wealth and Treasure]
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Wealth Pearl, Attracting Wealth] 1
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm Blue Enchantress [Wealth Bead, Attract Wealth and Treasure]
Lotus Master Three Eyes 4.0cm [Pearl of Wealth, Attracting Wealth and Prosperity]
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm [Wealth Pearl, Attracting Wealth] 1
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm Blue Enchantress [Wealth Bead, Attract Wealth] 1
Padmasambhava Three-Eyed Black Gold 3.8cm [Pearl of Wealth, Attracting Wealth and Treasure]
Lotus Master Three-Eyed Black Gold 5.8cm [Fortune Pearl, Wealth Attraction]
Three-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Wealth Pearl, Attracting Wealth and Prosperity]
Three-Eyed Black Gold 3.8cm [Fortune Pearl, Attract Wealth]
Four-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm Black Gold [Career Bead, All Things Go Well]
Four-Eyed Dzi Bead Black and White 5.8cm [Career Bead, Everything Goes Smoothly]
Four-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm White [Career Bead, All Things Go Well]
Four-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm Black and White [Career Bead, Everything Goes Smoothly]
Four-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Career Bead, All Things Go Well]
Five-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Five-Eyed Dzi Bead 3.8cm White [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Lightning Five-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm Cinnabar [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Five-Eyed Dzi Bead Black and White 5.8cm [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Five-Eyed Dzi Bead Black Gold 5.8cm [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Five-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm Black and White [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Five-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Wealth and Longevity Bead, Round and Smooth]
Six-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm [Six-Six Great Success, Career Advancement]
Six-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm Black Gold [Six-Six Great Success, Career Advancement]
Six-Eyed Dzi Bead 4.0cm Black and White [Six-Six Great Success, Career Advancement]
Six Eyes Tibet Beads 4.0 [Six Big Shun, Career Progress] 1
Seven Eyes Tibet Beads Black and White 5.8cm [Auspicious Beads, Good Luck]]
Seven Eyes Tibet Beads 5.8 [Auspicious Beads, Good Luck]]
Eight Eyes Tibet Beads Black and White 5.8 [Lucky Beads, Everything Goes Well]]
Eight Eyes Tibet Beads 4.0 [Lucky Beads, Everything Goes Well]]
Eight Eyes Tibet Beads 4.0 [Lucky Beads, Everything Goes Well] 1
Dzi Bead 5.8 [King of Tianzhu, Success]]
Nine Eyes Supreme Tibet Beads 3.8 [King of Tibet Beads, Success]]
Dzi Bead Ultimate Black and White 5.8cm [King of Tianzhu, Success]]
Dzi Bead 5.8 Whitening [King of Tianzhu, Success]]
Nine Eyes Supreme Tibet Beads 4.0cm Black and White [King of Tibet Beads, Success]]
Nine Eyes Supreme Tibet Beads 4.0 [King of Tibet Beads, Success]]
Nine-Eye Supreme Tibet Beads 5.8cm Cinnabar Old [King of Tibet Beads, Success]]
Nine Eyes Supreme Tibet Beads 5.8 [King of Tibet Beads, Success]]
Xizenghuai Tibet Beads Black Gold 5.8cm [Good Luck, Everything Goes Smoothly]]
Xizenghuaiqi Tibet Beads 3.8cm Black Gold [Good Luck and Good Luck]]
Xizenghuaiqi Tibet Beads 3.8cm Blue Enchantress
Noble Tibet Beads 3.8cm Blue Enchantress [Noble Support, Everything Goes Smoothly]]
God of Wealth Tibet Beads 3.8cm Blue Enchantress [God of Wealth Arrived, Wealth Source Guangjin]]
Double Noble Tibet Beads 3.8cm Black Gold [Noble Support, Everything Goes Smoothly]]
Dapeng Bird Tibet Beads 3.8cm Blue Enchantress [a Grand Picture, Step by Step]]